Overland Tours
Our overland tours include countries neighbouring South Africa and further up into mid-Africa. These are once in a lifetime tours. Don't miss out!
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Customised tours
The company that we have partnered with, provides a travel-flexible tour customised by the client. The client may decide where they want to go, for how long and what they would like to see.
- Botswana
- Kenya
- Lesotho
- Mozambique
- Namibia
- South Africa
- Swaziland
- Tanzania
- Uganda
- Zamiba
- Zimbabwe
How Does It Work?
The company that we have partnered with, provides a travel-flexible tour customised by the client. The client may decide where they want to go, for how long and what they would like to see.,
Accommodation Types
Outdoor Camping and Accommodated
Translated Tours
This company does provide specifically German translators.